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Treasure Magazine

Karachi board starts issuing admit cards

2 min read

KARACHI: Board of Secondary Education Karachi (BSEK) has finalised all preparations for the upcoming Annual Examinations 2021.

According to details, the Karachi board has started issuing admit cards to the regular and private candidates for the upcoming SSC exams slated to commence from July 5.

Admit cards of private candidates of the general group been dispatched to their given addresses.

On June 10, Sindh Education Minister Saeed Ghani announced dates for matric and intermediate papers for all boards across the province.

According to a schedule issued by the Government of Sindh College Education Department, the intermediate exams will begin from July 26 across the province.

Similarly, the matriculation exams will begin on July 5. Grade 9 and 11 examinations would be taken after the HSC-II examinations and assessment.

It was decided to take practical exams in the matric and intermediate classes after theory papers and schools and colleges will hold practical exams within their premises.

Students who fail to clear examinations will be given passing marks in elective subjects and further marking of compulsory subjects would be made as per the numbers obtained in elective papers.

Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mehmood on Wednesday said exams of classes ninth, matric, first, and second-year would take place across the country after July 10, “come what may”.

The minister, speaking on the floor of the National Assembly during the budget session, said several problems arose last year when the government had decided not to conduct exams.

“But now, we have decided that no grades will be awarded without exams,” the education minister said. It is “unfortunate” that some called for no exams even now in parliament, he said.

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