SECP reveals another scam of illegal deposit taking
2 min read
Mere registration of a company doesn’t confirm the right to seek investments: SECP
ISLAMABAD: The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has clarified that mere registration of a company with SECP does not authorize it to seek deposits from the general public.
According to SECP statement here on Thursday, the deposit taking by companies other than banking companies is illegal in terms of section 84 of the Companies Act 2017. Furthermore, financial services including car financing, leasing, acceptance of deposits, house financing etc. can only be offered by specialized companies holding valid license and regulatory approvals. General public is advised in their own interest to be careful, not to deal and invest in illegal schemes offered by companies involved in any illegal deposit taking, unauthorized investment or Multilevel Marketing (MLM).
The SECP while exercising its regulatory powers to curb illegal deposit taking in the country has taken stern actions against Shaukat Marwat Group comprising of the following companies found involved in illegal deposit taking:
Shaukat Marwat Group of Companies (Private) Limited
Shaukat Marwat Estates and Builders (Private) Limited
Shaukat Marwat Transports (Private) Limited
Shaukat Marwat Imports/Exports (Private) Limited
Shaukat Marwat Restaurants (Private) Limited
Shaukat Marwat Hotels (Private) Limited
SECP has observed that the aforementioned companies are using their registration with SECP and FBR to win public confidence and are soliciting financing through unauthorized investment schemes through Facebook groups and posts on social media.
SECP has issued a direction under section 474 of the Companies Act, 2017 to the aforementioned Companies to refrain from soliciting deposits and refund the amount, if any, collected from the general public; It has initiated penal action under section 84(2)(b) of the Companies Act, 2017 against the said companies for invitation of deposits from the public and; disqualification of directors/CEO for illegal deposit taking under section 172 and section 189 of the Companies ACT, 2017.
SECP has also approached the relevant regulatory authority and the relevant law enforcement agencies to take appropriate action against the aforementioned companies.
The SECP has made public a list of companies, involved in similar un-authorized business activities including illegally collecting deposits from investors by making false promises of exceptionally tantalizing returns.