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Treasure Magazine

PIA, PALPA sign agreement to continue flights operation

2 min read

ISLAMABAD:  Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and Pakistan Airlines Pilots’ Association (PALPA) reached on an agreement on Tuesday.

During the meeting, in which PIA official and PALPA representatives were present, the secretary Aviation Division has assured the PALPA and PIA representatives of their full support, as well as readiness towards taking measures to ensure aircrew’s safety.

According to the summary, Aviation Secretary Hassan Nasir Jamy was apprised of the PALPA’s “apprehensions pertaining to the safety measures being taken regarding airline operations in the wake of COVID-19”, the name of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

It was recognised during the meeting that the airlines were responsible to provide appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to the cockpit and cabin crew “with immediate effect”.

Further, the chief pilot would ensure to their “satisfaction the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.Ps) issued by PCAA [Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority]” and certificate “countersigned / verified by PCAA Inspector from Directorate of Flight Standards and Directorate of Airworthiness”.

It was noted that flights would operate only “upon satisfaction of the captain” and that the airlines will “not be held responsible”, according to the summary.

“The unwillingness of the pilot will be informed in writing to the Airline for issues related to COVID-19,” it added, stressing that the airline would ensure training and briefing of cabin crew and the relevant ground handling staff.

“Government of Pakistan / PCAA directions of operations from designated facilities will be followed,” it added further.

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