Treasure Magazine

Treasure Magazine

Beyond Beautiful – The Advisory Board Comes Together

2 min read

Catwalk Event Management and Productions hosted an advisory board meeting to discuss Pakistan’s first-ever Beauty Expo’s jury on 4th January 2019, Friday.

The expo and conference titled as Beyond Beautiful is geared up to set new beauty standards in the industry by rightfully claiming that anyone and everyone is beautiful.

It is striving to increase the general awareness of the beauty industry and to enhance & educate the consumers of all that this vast industry has to offer. Not just this, but this event will also recognize the contributions of various individuals who have changed the way beauty is perceived in Pakistan today. This is the reason, some of the creative geniuses got together under one roof to have a discussion on how to pull this event-cum-expo off.

The meeting was attended by the major advisory board members, including; dermatologist Dr. Tasneem Nakhoda, Adnan Malik & Aamina Sheikh, and t Shamoon Sultan & Safinaz Muneer among others.

The members also narrowed down three topics that would be discussed at length throughout the expo. The discussion on how the panel discussion on each topic will take place and which discussion is more pressing than the other lasted several hours. Though they aren’t staunch and still up for discussion. The topics include Muscularity in the 21st century, Social Media and the related insecurities, and Extreme beauty isn’t frivolous. The renowned faces from the industry will be putting forth their arguments and agreements on these topics.

Catwalk is hosting Beyond Beautiful Awards & Expo under its initiative Catwalk Cares, which aims to empower beauty and education by sharing the life-changing techniques and giving out self-grooming sessions and scholarships to those who deserve.


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