Danish Embassy celebrates mega event ‘DKinPK’ in Karachi
2 min read
KARACHI: The Danish Embassy in Islamabad on behalf of Denmark celebrated mega event ‘DKinPK’ here on Saturday night.
The event was visited by numerous personalities and highlighted the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and put the focus not only why green transition is necessary for Pakistan and to the benefit of Pakistan’s economy, but also suggest concrete solutions from Denmark to the green transition challenges that we are all facing.
The event pointed the significant economic benefits for Pakistan of green transition, and it will encourage government to do more in paving the way for a real green transition of Pakistan.
The event showed how green transition in the private sector can make best economic sense, and it will encourage Pakistani business companies to adopt sustainable practices in their plants and operations.
The event showed how turning to sustainable living at home and in the everyday sphere can improve the lives of ordinary citizens, and it will inspire Pakistanis all over the country to increase their own efforts in promoting sustainable living in their everyday lives.
Renowned Danish chef Casper Bogeskov is in Karachi and will teach and inspire healthy living and sustainable cooking through training and multiple sessions with Pakistani chefs. Mr Bogeskov showcased a good number of tasty, but healthy food options to inspire chefs and food-loving Pakistanis in their choice of ingredients and cooking.
Celebrated Danish band Rocqawali fusions the great Pakistani tradition of Qawali music with modern rock and takes it to amazing heights! This stunning cultural fusion inspires mutual cultural understanding and builds friendships across the world.
The SDGs highlighted in the event were: SDG 2: Zero Hunger; SDG 3: Good health and well-being; SDG 7: Affordable Clean Energy; SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.