IAC inaugurates its first fresh fruits & vegetables retail store DHA
2 min read
The topmost export firm of fresh fruits & value-added products of fresh fruits, M/s Iftekhar & Company (IAC) has inaugurated it’s first retail brand store in posh locality of Karachi – D.H.A.
In a grand ceremony on establishment of the first flag ship of this retail store titled as “Go4Fresh”, it’s opening was carried out on Saturday by Shehzad Roy, a renowned celebratory of Showbiz & famous Singer. Large number of distinguished businessmen and social personalities from various segment of the society participated on eve of the opening ceremony.
Expressing views on opening ceremony of the first flagship of M/s Iftekhar & Company (IAC) the renowned singer Shehzad Roy remarked that healthy food has a deep relationship with modern life style.
Fresh fruits, Juices and food consisted of vegetables besides protecting against diseases improves body fitness enabling achievement of objectives of life easier.
Huge investment in the retail sector by a big export firm of Pakistan, M/s Iftekhar & Company would not only provide health & better life style, it would also render adequate support to the economy of our country, creating employment opportunities in the Agriculture sector – he opined .
Waheed Ahmed, director marketing of M/s Iftekhar & Company, expressing his views on the occasion said that the need for retail brand of fresh fruits & vegetables was being desperately felt since long time. As a result of well-coordinated Research, a national road map – “Horticulture Vision 2030” was developed which assisted in organizing and modernizing Agriculture sector from farms to retail sector and the new brand “go4fresh” of IAC is a true translation of that road map into a reality – Waheed further added.
“Go4Fresh” is the first unique brand of it’s kind in Pakistan which ensures high standards of quality & hygiene from farm to shelves – Waheed highlighted. M/s Iftehkahr & Company has a prominent ranking in export of fresh fruits, Mango pulp and apple concentrate and utilizing it’s extensive experience & expertise it has now extended a unique facility to the consumers.
The new brand “Go4Fresh” will introduce a new concept of selling fresh fruit & vegetables in Pakistan with it’s well defined objective of meeting growing demand of consumers’ heath and modern life style – Waheed shared. M/s Iftekhar & Company would invest Rs. 250 million in next four years to develop “go4fresh” as a top fresh brand in Pakistan and enhance professional image of the country by maintaining quality of the brand on top of everything.
Under the brand “Go4Fresh” – fresh fruits & vegetables, Fresh fruits’ juices, ice-cream prepared from pure ingredients and dairy products would be marketed. In the next phase to follow, the company would promote this brand on national level and open stores in U. K. & Middle East as well. The products of “Go4Fresh” would be exported to International markets from year 2020.