Sindh govt decides to delay reopening of Six to Eight grades in schools till Sept 28
2 min read
KARACHI: Sindh government has decided to delay the reopening of schools in second phase (Six to Eight grades), which were to be reopened from September 21, said Sindh Education Minister here on Friday.
Saeed Ghani said, “the students from Six-to-Eight grades will be asked to rejoin school on September 28, subject to if the COVID-19 situation improves.
According to the minister, there are fears of spreading Coronavirus through educational institutes as the teachers and students are not following the SOPs protocol prepared by the Sindh government.
“Our purpose is not to shut down schools permanently […] we simply seek for them to mend their ways when we see they are not fulfilling their responsibility. They should follow through with the commitments made.
“And the following of safety protocols is not to be done for our satisfaction. Our children go to these schools. It is a question of their health and safety,” the education minister underscored.
Ghani said that children’s health cannot be gambled away for the sake of saving the losses incurred by schools and the loss of learning for children that has accumulated since the outbreak.
The minister said that the decision will be reviewed before September 28. “I will get in touch with the federal ministers and will request a meeting of the inter-provincial education ministers committee so that a uniform decision is taken across the country.”
“We want schools to reopen but when they do, we should be free of any worry that if they do go to school they will not be so exposed to the risk of catching any illness.”
Ghani also requested the media to spread awareness and “sensitise” parents, children and the public in general, to properly follow COVID-19 prevention measures.