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UNSC asked to summon session over Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir

1 min read
Shah Mehmood Qureshi

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has asked the United Nations Security Council to summon a session on the deteriorating situation in occupied Kashmir, after India revoked its special status.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi wrote a letter to the UNSC president today, asking that the Indian act, which is unconstitutional and against the conventions of the United Nations, should be discussed in a session.

The foreign minister stated that if India continues the acts of aggression then Pakistan will not stay silent.

“We are willing to go to any lengths for our defence,” mentioned the foreign minister, adding that the events of February 2018 stand as a testimony to his statement.

The FM had earlier announced that Pakistan would approach the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) over India’s move to revoke Article 370.

During a news conference, Qureshi said he hand conveyed to his Indian counterpart S Jaishankar that New Delhi’s stance of revoking Article 370 being an internal matter had been dismissed by Islamabad. “I said this was not right and Pakistan dismisses this stance. Occupied Kashmir is an internationally recognised dispute. There are several UNSC resolutions on this and making those as the basis we have decided to once again go to the UNSC.”


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