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Treasure Magazine

Sad and disheartening to hear ‘MeToo’ stories: Raveena Tandon

1 min read

Supporting India’s MeToo movement, Raveena Tandon says even though she has not been a victim of sexual harassment, but it was said and disheartening to hear those stories.

According to Hindustan Times, the 43-year-old actor said she has been through “professional harassment” in the film industry and hence understands the trauma.

“I was never sexually harassed as I was not the one to just take it. I would give it back. But I can imagine the trauma that the young girls go through. It is so sad and disheartening to hear these stories. It angers me.

“I have been through professional harassment. I did lose out on couple of films. There were few women journalists, who would tarnish our reputation in their magazines or newspapers. Like, from being called a liar to delusional liar, etc. They helped the heroes,” Raveena said.

Talking about her harassment experience, the actor said it was a disturbing phase as her reputation was maligned. “They work in tandem to ruin an actress’s life,” she added, without taking any names.

In a cryptic tweet, recently, Raveena had said, “What defines harassment in a workplace? The fact that many industry wives and girlfriends are silent observers or instigators, when actor husbands destroy the careers of actresses after the chase and flirtation is over or have them replaced with other potential targets.”

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